SEO for Non-technical Businesses

SEO for Non-technical Businesses


The meta description is one of the most important on-page SEO elements and always part of SEO services company. It’s also a component of the search result snippet, which means it could be a user’s first impression of your website. To be effective, your meta descriptions should be compelling enough to get users to click through and visit your site or app. It’s no secret that longer meta descriptions are better than shorter ones—but how long should they really be? How many words should you include in each description? What keywords should you target? In this article we’ll answer all these questions so that you can write high-performing meta descriptions that drive more traffic and conversions to your site than ever before…

Use relevant keywords in your page titles.

Use relevant keywords in your page titles.

The title of each page can be important for SEO, but it’s also important that the title doesn’t contain too many keywords or phrases—or any unnecessary words. For example, don’t use “Free Online Accounting Software: The Best Way To Track Your Income and Expenses Online!” instead of just “Free Online Accounting Software.” While the former is likely to rank higher (due to its higher word count), it’s also likely to get pushed down by other pages with more useful content on them (and less clutter). If you want to rank high for a long period of time on Google, we recommend not stuffing your pages with keywords in order to increase their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Use your primary keyword in your page title.

Now that you’ve figured out your primary keyword and know how to write great content, it’s time to make sure those two things are working together in harmony.

This is done by making sure you use your primary keyword in the title of each page on your site. This lets Google know what each page is about, so it can better determine where to rank it for relevant searches.

The best way to do this is by using a keyword density of between 2-6%. Experts recommend keeping it under 6%, since anything higher might look spammy or unnatural.

You should also put your primary keyword first, using phrasing like: “XYZ guide to ABC”. If possible, include synonyms and related keywords here too; this may help improve clickthrough rates or boost the authority of certain pages on your site (as mentioned earlier).

Keep your page titles less than 60 characters.

Page titles are one of the most important factors in boosting your SEO. A page title can be up to 60 characters long—which sounds like a lot, but it’s actually not that long. In order to make the most out of your page titles, keep them short and sweet. Make sure each one clearly describes what the content of your page is all about. For example:

The language you use should also be relevant to both your business and its industry. So instead of just using a keyword phrase that has nothing much to do with what you’re offering (like “best music app”), try something like “Listening Party – 5 Songs You Can’t Miss.” This way when someone searches for popular music apps on Google or Bing, they’ll see yours at the top of the results list without having to scroll past dozens upon dozens of irrelevant results (and get bored by those).

Finally, try using more than one keyword phrase in each title—but not too many! Google loves it when sites use two different keywords so that their pages show up in more contexts than just those two keywords alone; however, adding three or four phrases will only confuse users who don’t understand why there are multiple terms being used together on one page (and end up clicking away from yours before really understanding what this site is all about).

Place important words at the beginning of your page title.

It’s common sense that you should place the most important words at the beginning of your page title. But it’s not enough to just put your keyword in there. Your aim is to make your page title stand out among other results so that people will click on yours over others.

To do this, use a keyword density of 3-5% – meaning that you’ll have between three and five keywords in 100 words of text (roughly one word per every 30). You can also go further with a keyword phrase instead of using just one keyword because this shows Google how relevant your content is to the search term and makes it more likely for Google to rank you higher among all other results for relevant searches.

Make sure you include your primary keyword in the title too! It’s crucial that both users AND Google understand what they’re clicking on when they land on your site from an organic (non-paid) result in search engines like Google or Bing.

Separate words with pipes or dashes in your page titles.

Using pipes or dashes to separate words in your page titles can help Google understand that each word is an individual piece of content, rather than one long compound noun. If you don’t, it may be hard for Google to determine which words mean what. This will make it more difficult for search engines to deliver the most relevant results for searches on those phrases.

For example: “website design company” would be better separated into two distinct parts: “website” and “design company.” By doing this, it tells Google that these are two different things (i.e., a website designer isn’t necessarily a design company). In turn, this helps them provide relevant results when someone searches for either term separately—or even both together!

Use relevant keywords in your meta descriptions.

You should always use relevant keywords in your meta descriptions. Be sure to include keywords that are relevant to the content, business, and search query. Use keywords that are relevant to the user and their intent.

For example, if you’re a video game store selling handheld consoles and accessories:

  • “Buy Nintendo Switch accessories at GameStop! Shop our selection of cases, screen protectors & more!”
  • “Check out our huge selection of Nintendo Switch games including the new Super Mario 64 remake!”

Avoid duplicate meta descriptions across your website.

Duplicate meta descriptions are bad for SEO.

Your website’s meta description is a short snippet of text that appears in search engine results and helps users determine whether or not they want to click on your page. It’s important that you make sure each page has its own unique meta description, because if the same meta description is used across many pages, it can lead to duplicate content—and this can hurt your site’s rankings in search engines.

Use a unique meta description for each page on your website.

Meta descriptions are the snippets of text that appear on a search engine result page (SERP) and summarize what the page is about. They’re important for SEO because they help people decide whether or not to click through to your site.

For example, let’s say you run an ice cream shop in South Korea and want to rank for “best ice cream in Seoul.” You want customers who search for that keyword phrase to find your website right away, so you make sure it ranks #1 in Google! But if someone searches instead for “what kind of ice cream do they sell at Baskin Robbins,” she might click on another website if yours doesn’t have useful information about all their flavors and prices. So meta descriptions make sure that searchers who land on your site will be satisfied with what they find there—and keep coming back!

Include the name of your business and/or website, and possibly its location, in meta descriptions when appropriate to help brand recognition and establish trust among users.

When it comes to meta descriptions, the ideal length is between 150 and 160 characters. This allows you to use your brand name, location, and keywords without being too long or too short. The goal when writing meta descriptions is to make them as relevant and useful as possible for searchers who land on your website in search of information about the products or services you offer. You want your audience to understand what they’ll get if they choose your site over other options.

Note: how long should a meta description be?

Meta descriptions are commonly around 300 characters long with some reaching up over 500 – but keep in mind that higher character limits don’t always result in better optimization results! The number one thing we’re looking at here is consistency and relevance across all platforms so keep this in mind before making any adjustments!

Use meta descriptions that entice users to click through to your site when they find you in search results.

Meta descriptions are important for SEO because they help you stand out from the crowd. The text of your meta description should be written for humans, not for search engines.

Meta descriptions should be short and to the point. They’re usually less than 150 characters, so make sure you get in as much information as possible!

Make sure that your meta descriptions are relevant to what people will see when they visit your site (i.e., use keywords in the correct context). You can also add short headlines that include keywords or phrases from your business name and other important pages on your website.

Meta descriptions are very useful for SEO purposes

Meta descriptions are a great way to get your content found in search engines. They appear below your listing and can be used to entice users to click through to your site.

Meta descriptions are the text that appears below your listing in search results, so they’re incredibly important for SEO purposes. They should be brief (no longer than 150 characters), descriptive and enticing enough that users will want to read more by clicking on them.


Keep in mind that while meta descriptions are effective at helping users find your website, they’re not the most important aspect of SEO. You should also focus on optimizing your content with relevant keywords and creating an overall site structure that makes sense for both visitors and search engines alike. This website will give you some tip to improve your on-page SEO.